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Hex's Hideout

A member registered Feb 02, 2017

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really cool game!

really cool game! excited to see part 2. 

cool game so far! will keep a look out for the full game!

pretty fun game! 

played the remake a few days ago and thought id play the original! i love the vibe it super creepy!

such an amazing demo! cant wait for a longer game!

cool game! loved the style 

what a cool little game! i hope more people play this! 

such an amazing game! i really hope you make this into a longer game in the future!

such a well made game! will check out your other stuff! good job! 

really cool and well made game! 

col little game!

cool little game! 

wow this was great! the way you could hear the monster in the house as you play was really well done! good job.

very nice little game, will play the next episodes!

im going to be very honesty, this is not good at all, i will say the game is entertaining, but the jump scares are terrible and are not scary in the slightest. i couldnt be bothered  finish the game because my flash light kept bugging out and not turning on. i also had it where i coudlnt light the candles. i think the game looks nice but thats about it. 

cool game!

cool game i enjoyed it! . only thing i didnt like about it was how long it was... this could have been cut down so much. not enough happned for it to be this long. 

love than u can change to first person! really cool game

WATER IS NOT WET!! very cool game! 

i like the graphics and location, i think the jump scare at the end could have been done better.

what a wonderful little game! the gameplay and graphics are great! somehow did it on first go. wish it was longer! 

cool game!

cool game! super creepy!

really nice little game! 

cool game!

cool demo, super creepy. one thing i will say is that i think you need to make it easier to find things, i was trying to find that ring for ages!

one of the best small horror games on this site! so well made! enjoyed every second.

super creepy little demo!

another great episode like always! looking forward to the next episode! 

this demo is great! super fun and loved the music! few things to note, 

a few stutters while loading into a new level, nothing crazy but somethihg to look into. 

i didnt like how the explosive barrels could lock onto other explosive barrels. was abit annoying when i aimed for the enemy and it locked onto a barrel instead. 

i think it would be cool if you could knock the bad guys into other bad guys, even if it didnt do any damage, would be cool to see them fall over each other! 

some instructions are unclear, took me abit to understand how the true/false  thing worked and also was unclear how the making doors thing worked.

other than those points i think you have a great game under your belt and will check the game out when its fully done! 

cool game1


cool little game! 

cool game!

great game!

cool game!

what a great game! one of the best small free horror games out there! super creepy! i also have to say good job on the story telling with the tapes! you can tell there was alot of work put it to writing them ! good job! 

cool little game! 

cool game!

ok.. i did really enjoy this game the visuals are great and the atmosphere is super creepy, but i dont think you should have released this as a episode 1 and 2 when that does come out. i think you should have made a small 10-15 demo and made episode 1 and 2 into a full finished 2-3 hour game. this episode felt abit empty, felt like i was missing something. from the small demo of the episode 2 feels like it will be more of a proper game and im excited to play that when it does come out! also a lot of fps lag. i have a pretty decent build and i had to play on medium settings and dlss on quality. again dont get me wrong this was a good experience and i enjoyed but i just wish episode 1 and 2 was just one long game!